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Golden Peanut Argentina

Our Golden Peanut and Tree Nut colleagues in Argentina have been on the leading edge of sustainability for many years.

golden peanut argentina

Our Golden Peanut and Tree Nut colleagues in Argentina have been on the leading edge of sustainability for many years. They started their journey by implementing recycling programs and training onsite. That first step led to broader initiatives, including sending peanut hulls to a local utility to produce electricity, reducing waste to landfill and providing a renewable energy source. We have a biodiversity plan to protect native species, and since 2016, we have collaborated with local high schools to plant more than 800 native trees.

Working at the farm level and with smallholder growers, many advanced agricultural practices have been identified and implemented, including planting a winter cover crop to reduce soil erosion; using integrated pest management practices; and using technology solutions to identify high production potential fields and avoid those with flooding risks. These practices, among others, have enabled the successful completion of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) – Farm Sustainability Assessments resulting in SAI Gold ranking – the first and only peanuts in Argentina with this distinction.

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