Strive 35: ADM's Plan to Carry Us Forward Sustainably

Strive 35: ADM's Plan to Carry Us Forward Sustainably

Strive 35. It's how we're moving forward with our new goals to reduce our absolute greenhouse gas emissions by 25%, energy intensity by 15%, water intensity by 10%, and achieve a 90% landfill diversion rate, all by 2035.





Strive 35 will replace our 15x20 program, through which we lowered our waste to landfill rate, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, energy intensity and water usage.

Many facilities across the globe received puzzle pieces, recognizing a team's ability to accomplish a 15% reduction in one of the categories at their location. Through Strive 35, facilities will continue to receive recognition for their progress against our new goals.

"Through our unwavering commitment to sustainability, together under our new banner we will build upon our prior successes, striving to achieve a stronger ADM and a better world," said ADM Chief Sustainability Officer Alison Taylor.

To learn more about our sustainability journey read our Corporate Sustainability Report.