

A catalyst for unique and differentiated products.

A group of people laugh together, sitting in a living room
Two people drink a dietary supplement beverage while wearing gym clothes

Unique pathways for digestive health.

Enzymes play a powerful role in microbiome wellness. They are vital catalysts that help break down food-derived fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into substances the body can use. Different enzymes provide different functions, each one performing a vital role in microbiome wellness. 

Our wide array of solutions includes ProHydrolase® for protein breakdown, BioCore® for the digestion of proteins, carbs, fats and dairy, Serrazimes® for joint health, Nattozimes® for cardiovascular health, and Dairylytic® for dairy digestion. And that’s just the beginning.  

ADM applies its world-class expertise in microbiome wellness to enzyme research and is continually developing new and innovative, clinically proven enzyme solutions that help you create unique and differentiated products. 

Download our ProHydrolase product sheet for just one example of how our enzymes can have a catalytic impact.

The Benefits of Enzymes

By including enzymes in your applications, you are harnessing a unique pathway for a wide range of health and wellness benefits.

A woman smiles while looking at a box of dietary supplements

Aid in Digestion

Proteins, carbohydrates and dairy can all be digested more efficiently with the power of enzymes.

Digestion Improvements

People who have sensitivities to gluten and dairy benefit from the inclusion of specific enzymes in their diets.

Nutrient Availability

By aiding in digestion, enzymes help nutrients become more available to the body for use as fuel and for cell repair and development.

Bulk Powder

Many consumers of protein powder are looking for the most efficient digestion and subsequent impacts of nutrients.

Supplement Capsules

Enzymes are easily incorporated into supplements of all types, for all ages.

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